Saturday, November 19, 2011

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Best Lean Thinker (for us)

Events in your Lean, Kaizen, 5S, TPM
or continuous improvement, are
inspiration from the best.

Read interviews and famous phrases
of those who have had great

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Lean Video Example on Youtube

How to maintain the folder always in the
correct position?

Look at the video.

Nice, Quick, Easy and Lean.

Find Other Video on Youtube with
keyword: LeanLab.

LeanLab Staff.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Where to start the Lean Transformation

Often you do not know where to start the
journey that leads to the "lean production" ...

This image is abstract (macro level)
the path must be followed to achieve the objective
of Lean Manufacturing.

To realize the path you then need
tools such as 5S, TPM, Value Stream Maps, the
Kaizen events and more.

But to have in mind the steps for implementation
Lean Manufacturing can help.

We recommend to print the image and put it
in plain sight in your Lean Office.

LeanLab Staff.


Sunday, October 23, 2011

VSM - 25 Workstation - Download Demo for Free.

It is now available a DEMO for
Value Stream Mappping.


Buy the complete software by E-Junkie / PayPal
19,90 Dollars

Add to Cart


Thursday, September 22, 2011

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Shared Machines and Takt Time

VSM 5 Workstation Software - Trial Version or:
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If your company have more than one family of product
and one (or more) machines are shared, are you able
to correctly evaluate Takt Time and Yamazumi Chart?

Following this link, you will find an exercise that could help
you to deal with this situation.

It is easy to deal with dedicated machines in the Lean approach.
How to deal with shared machines?

LeanLab Staff.


Monday, September 5, 2011

Who Bring the Stuff From A to B?

VSM 5 Workstation Software - Trial Version or:
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If you do this simple question in your company:
"Who Bring the Stuff From A to B?" 

Probably you are going to face puzzled expressions.

In our opinion in many cases this aspect
is undervalued but very critical.

So we suggest to try to do this test
and evaluate how is accurate the answer.

After this test try to define also:

LeanLab Staff.


Thursday, August 25, 2011

Lean and Safety

VSM 5 Workstation Software - Trial Version or:
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Which is the link between Lean and Safety?

This book by Dragan (digital only) clarifies
in a simple and practical way which
is the link between Lean Manufacturing and Safety.

A multimedia text, image-rich,
clear examples and tests to be done in the company.

A valuable book for both experts in Lean, 5S and TPM
is for people who want to approach
to this new way to experience work and the company.

We in the LeanLab bought, read and
now I highly recommend it.

Lean and Safety

LeanLab Staff

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Is Your Shop Like This?

VSM 5 Workstation Software - Trial Version or:
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Just a real example of a very well organized shop.
This could be an image to refer to when you start
a 5S or Kaizen Event.

This is a commercial shop but you have to imagine
that it is a possible to have the same aspect
in a mechanical department or any other industrial department.

Try to do have the same effect, we think that any
worker in the world like to work in such environment.

Try now!

LeanLab Staff.


Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Our Mission - Lean by Examples

Dear Readers,

This is a simple post just to draw
which is the mission of this blog.

In few points:
  • Explain Lean by Examples (Real or Exercises)
  • Less Words more Pictures
  • If it is too complicated is no Lean
We hope this can help you to follow us
in the right manner.

LeanLab Staff.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Visual Desktop

VSM 5 Workstation Software - Trial Version or:
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The methods of the 5S, TPM, and
Lean Manufacturing is not
must be applied
only in the production environment.

To have an organization
lean, the information
must be well-organized.

Information is not organized,
equivalent to information
not useful. The desktop PC
is the starting point

LeanLab offers a desktop
divided by functional areas.

Visual Management Desktop:

Red Zone:
Urgent activities
Frequently used files

Yellow Zone:
Activities of medium urgency
File for daily use

Green Zone:

Activities of low urgency
Files use Weekly

Blue Zone:
Rarely used files

Download the Visual Desktop.


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